Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Debriefing: h3adache

If you have not read the post "The Last Session", I suggest you do. This is a debriefing, I will allow everyone that participated in the project a lot to write something what they thought of it. Some may write a lot, others just a few notes, but I think it's important that (especially the cadets) get their views of the project out there. These debriefs will pop up in the next few days so even if the project is over, keep and eye open for updates.

(Please note that I'm absolutely dire at writing so bear with me)

Now that the project has come to an end I thought...
Well actually Dma thought that I should write something about the project and what I thought about it so blame him if you find this piece of text uninteresting and boring.

First off the people I got in contact with were great, both the "cs-kiddies" and the ofp veterans, especially Redkid & JW.

A quick rundown on the 4 most active players (and Dma).

Quicky - Also known as RallyQuicky. The best Uaz driver out there, you really don't want to be anywhere near him when he's "in the zone".
U_U - He rapes faces & always does what's best in every situation, probably the best soldier of us all.
Ices - The best co-leader out of the bunch. Funny guy.
Stealth - This guy is like a teddybear who got dropped on his head. He's a very kind person who always tries his best but
he is a bit slow and does some minor mistakes here and there (koger anyone? ;D).
Dma - Very skilled in Operation: Flashpoint and the art of teaching. Couldn't ask for more from him.

Now over to the project itself.
It's been a really interesting and most of all fun project that Dma's been running.
Can't really say anything bad about the project except for the lack of interest from most of the recruits (apart from those mentioned above).
All the tactics and formations we used were really fun to learn, although some of the decisions made out in the field were kinda strange to me coming from a cs background and all.
I'm used to 1.45 minute rounds after all. ;)
I can't say that I've ever been bored whilst playing this game which surprises me alot. I could sit and whatch the same spot for 15 minutes without anything
happening at all and I was still enjoying it for some reason.
I will deffinately keep playing the game every now and then, maybe not as much as during the project but whenever Dma and the lads are up for a game and I've got nothing better to do. ;)

Oh I, U_U & Quicky played a couple of games of CS with Redkid who kept saying something like "Your reflexes are not human!" throughout the games. Was well fun. ^^

Big shoutouts to JW, Redkid, Quicky, HeatoN, Ices, U_U, Stealth, HeatoN & most of all Dma.

One more thing! "Spraying is an artform."



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